CBSE BOARD XII, asked by taster, 1 year ago

which is most survival animal?


Answered by harshavardhan123
(image via Goldstein lab – tardigrades) These eight-legged microscopic animals can live virtually anywhere, though they are most often found on moss and lichen. Sometimes calledWater Bears, they can survive in boiling water and freezing arctic conditions.

raushankumar91pc2ed2: thanks agai
harshavardhan123: your welcome
Answered by jashodhan
tardigrade is a type of bear and the most survivable animal in the world

gamazing482: tardigrade is the animal which can survive in extreme conditions and radiation and they are also called as a water bear
gamazing482: and it is not a bear it is a microscopic animal
gamazing482: organism even
raushankumar91pc2ed2: ⛹☕⏱⏱✨
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