which is the greatest divisor of 347
the greatest divisiors is 67
❤Hello mate
Your answer...☑️
For 347, the prime factor is: 347. By definition, 1 is not a prime number.
what sets the factors and the prime factors of the number 347 apart is the word “prime”. For non-prime numbers the former list contains both, composite and prime numbers, whereas the latter includes only prime numbers.
Prime Factorization of 347
The prime factorization of 347 is 347. This is a unique list of the prime factors, along with their multiplicities. Note that the prime factorization of 347 does not include the number 1, yet it does include every instance of a certain prime factor.
347 is a prime number. In contrast to composite numbers which have at the least two factorizations, prime numbers like 347 only have one factorization.
❤....Mark as brainlist....❤