Hindi, asked by xelalab, 9 months ago

which kind of research design is appropriate to use in your field of specialization?


Answered by sharmaayushi41335


IT'S your answer ☺️


like the answer please

Answered by barmansuraj489

Concept introduction:

Research is defined as "creative and methodical activity done to improve the body of knowledge." It entails gathering, organizing, and analyzing data in order to improve understanding of a subject or problem. A research effort could build on prior research in the area.


We have to tell which kind of research design is appropriate to use in our field of specialization.

A question regarding this has been given to us.

I use a Holistic approach. If the research is correct it predicts all the effects empirically observed. That often brings up problems with the accepted theories which predict only that which the previous researchers wanted to predict. In my latest work the expansion of montmorillonite on expansion is predicted by some very well accepted theories. However, they do not predict say the density of the water in the inter-plate gap, or even electrical conductivity.

I create a holistic theory which can predict everything that happens in the real world and nature. After all, if it happens in nature no matter what we try and think, there must be something making it happen in reality.

Final answer:

So, we have written the answer of the question and this is our final answer also.


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