Which of the following Indian state is vulnerable to cyclone?
India is one of the most populated countries in the world (1.2 billion, 2011 census). Being a peninsular nation, half of the countries boundary is surrounded by ocean. Out of 7516 Km of Indian coasts line 5770 Km (76.76%) are highly vulnerable to natural hazards such as Cyclones and Tsunami. Most of the cyclones generated in the South Asia are from Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean. Indian region inhabits 7 % of the total tropical cyclones of the world. The region has the highest population density and shallowest coastal bathymetry in the world making it highly vulnerable to storm surge. Indian sub continent is the worst affected part in the world as far as loss of lives and financial losses is concerned. The projections of climate change impact on tropical cyclones shows that its intensity and frequency is going to increase in the next century. Vulnerability assessment is needed to identify hazardous geographic regions and specific population at risk, to enable them with timely help. Assessment of vulnerability can provide important guide to the planning process and decision on resource allocation at various levels. This paper assesses the vulnerability of coastal states to cyclone in India. This study uses the vulnerability definition adopted by IPCC namely, vulnerability of an entity as a function of exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity. For these three dimensions measurement variables were structured. Data on this measurement variable were collected for eight coastal states for last three decades (1989-90, 1999-00, and 2009-2010). The data was collected from secondary sources such as Reserve Bank of India Bulletins, CMIE reports, Central Statistical Organization reports, and Census reports. The structure and methodologies used to calculate the vulnerability index follows the basic approach developed by Anand and Sen, 1994 for calculation of Human Development Index (HDI). The study shows that the states in the eastern coasts are more vulnerable than the western coast. A paradigm shift is observed over period as many states such as Gujarat, Kerala and West Bengal are becoming more vulnerable while states like Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu are becoming less vulnerable. This shows that the climatic factors are overweighing the socio-economic wellbeing of the states and making it more vulnerable. In the context of climate change risk management it is important to develop strategies to reduce risk and increase resilience of the people to cyclones in this region.
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