Biology, asked by alvairis1995, 10 months ago

Which of the following is false about sister chromatids?
A.Sister chromatids are only created before meiosis and not mitosis.
B.Sister chromatids can swap portions of their DNA between the homologous chromosomes.
C. In normal mitotic division, each sister chromatid travels to each of the daughter cells. D.Sister chromatids are 2 exact copies of a chromosome linked together by a centromere

Anonymous: option 2
ankitgupta82: hi
Anonymous: ??
alvairis1995: you mean B
ashwini1610: option A
alvairis1995: which letter ??


Answered by ankitgupta82


option no C.

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Answered by ashwini1610

The answer is option A

if u like it mark as a brainiest answer

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