which of the following statement is incorrect
Jute cultivation is mainly concentrated in the eastern and north eastern India Jute cultivation in red soils which includes a greater dose of manure, and it is best for cultivation in the PH range between 4.8-5.8.For jute cultivation, river basins or alluvial or loamy soils are best.For good cultivation, temperatures ranging from 25-30 °C and relative humidity of 70 percent-90 percent are favourable.For jute cultivation, a warm and humid climate, plenty of rainfall, and well-drained, loamy soils are required. The interesting thing about the growth of jute is that fertilizers and pesticides are hardly needed.
Jute cultivation is mainly concentrated in the eastern and north eastern India Jute cultivation in red soils which includes a greater dose of manure, and it is best for cultivation in the PH range between 4.8-5.8.For good cultivation, temperatures ranging from 25-30 °C and relative humidity of 70 percent-90 percent are favourable.For jute cultivation, a warm and humid climate, plenty of rainfall, and well-drained, loamy soils are required. The interesting thing about the growth of jute is that fertilizers and pesticides are hardly needed.For good cultivation, temperatures ranging from 25-30 °C and relative humidity of 70 percent-90 percent are favourable.Jute cultivation in red soils which includes a greater dose of manure, and it is best for cultivation in the PH range between 4.8-5.8.For jute cultivation, river basins or alluvial or loamy soils are best.Jute cultivation is mainly concentrated in the eastern and north eastern India