Biology, asked by vijaykumar80661, 6 months ago

Which of the following tasks does not reflect gender stereotyping 1.Sharda spends most of her time cooking in the kitchen,2.Bunty and his friends generally play with you cars and toy guns,3.Shefali is training to become a mountaineer,4.By virtue of being the bread earner of the family,Rohit takes all decisions for his family ​


Answered by Anonymous


Children are born into a world of pink or blue. A walk down a department store toy aisle demonstrates a clear gender divide: princesses and dolls for the girls, superheroes and vehicles for the boys.

Does this simply reflect the different interests that boys and girls have? Or are toy manufacturers imposing gender stereotypes on children?

Marketing toys as being either “for girls” or “for boys” has attracted criticism from initiatives such as No Gender December advocating for more gender-neutral toy choices. Objectors to this campaign include the then-prime minister, Tony

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