History, asked by madskendsp9pzhz, 1 year ago

Which of the following was a reason for the rapid growth of boom towns in the West during the late 1800s? A. The lack of jobs in the East B. The government paid people to move into western towns. C. The cotton industry D. The discovery of valuable minerals


Answered by aqibkincsem
The rapid growth of boom towns in the west during the late 1800s is the lack of jobs in the east.

is a community which undergoes rapid and sudden economic growth and population from its scratch.

The growth is due to the discovery of precious metals such as oil, silver or gold.
Answered by Anonymous
1800 के दशक के अंत में पश्चिम में बूम कस्बों की तीव्र वृद्धि पूर्व में नौकरियों की कमी है।

बूमटाउन एक ऐसा समुदाय है जो तेजी से और अचानक आर्थिक विकास और इसकी खरोंच से आबादी से गुजरता है।

विकास तेल, चांदी या सोने जैसे कीमती धातुओं की खोज के कारण है।
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