Biology, asked by saisirishadevi5, 10 months ago

Which of these components of food can be synthesised by plants during photosynthesis

A. Carbohydrates
B. Fats
C. Proteins
D. Minerals

stuti7771: Protiens
yashi4079: protiens
shivang1661: yes


Answered by Anonymous


Right Option:-

A. Carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates components of food can be synthesised by plants during photosynthesis.

More On the topic:-

1.  The extra glucose is changed into another food is called starch. Glucose and starch belong to a category of foods called carbohydrates.  

2. The green plants convert sunlight energy into chemical energy by making carbohydrates (food).

3.  The foods like carbohydrates prepared by photosynthesis contain chemical energy stored in them.

4.  The food prepared by photosynthesis provides all the energy to a plant which it need to grow and when we eat foods (like foodgrains, fruits), then the chemical energy stored in them is released in our body.

workhardeveryday: hi
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Deadpool90: hi
yashi4079: hello
workhardeveryday: what
Answered by CaptainBrainly

Carbohydrates are synthesized by plants during Photosynthesis.


>> Photosynthesis is a chemical process in which plants prepare their own food.

>> This process is the basic food source to all living things directly or indirectly.

>> In Photosynthesis plants use CO2 and water to produce food.

>> Plants inhale CO2 and exhale oxygen into atmosphere. This process is done in Stomata of leaf.

>> Photosynthesis is done in presence of sunlight and in the green pigment called Chlorophyll.

>> The balanced equation of Photosynthesis is :

>> 6CO2 + 12H2O-------sunlight & Chlorophyll-------> C612H2O6 + 6H20 + 6O2

>> The whole process of Photosynthesis is done in Chloroplast.

>> Chlorophyll is present in Chloroplast which traps solar energy.

>> The Stroma is a fluid filled organelle which helps in reaction leading to formation of glucose and starch.

cuitegirl: carbohydrates
ak60shaw: carbohydrates
sunny7895: carbohydrates
sunaina37: carbohydrates
brainly785: carbohydrates
saisirishadevi5: thanks
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