which of these is not an agent of pollination number one water be wind Si bird De soil
Answer is soil
Through wind light seed and the seeds which have a wing like structure for example Maple leaf gets blown and thus wind is an agent of pollination. Some seeds which have a spiky structure like Xanthium gets stuck to the body of birds when they rest on flower. But soil doesn't help in pollination in any way.They don't come in contact with the shoot system of a plant in any way and hence is not an agent
Hope this is clear
Wind Pollination
Wind pollinator flowers may be small, no petals, and no special colors, odors, or nectar. These plants produce enormous numbers of small pollen grains. For this reason, wind-pollinated plants may be allergens, but seldom are animal-pollinated plants allergenic. Their stigmas may be large and feathery to catch the pollen grains. Insects may visit them to collect pollen, but usually are ineffective pollinators and exert little natural selection on the flowers. Anemophilous, or wind pollinated flowers, are usually small and inconspicuous, and do not possess a scent or produce nectar. The anthers may produce a large number of pollen grains, while the stamens are generally long and protrude out of flower. There are also examples of ambophilous (pollinated by two different classes of pollinators) flowers which are both wind and insect pollinated.