Which of these methods are used to register a keyboard event listener?
Method which is used to register a keyboard event listener is add key listener.
a key listener notification arrives whenever there is a change in a state of a key.
In the java event package this listener is found.
There are basically three types of methods:-
Public abstract void key pressed.
public abstract void key released.
public abstract void key typed.
add Key Listener (). It is a listener interface for effectively receiving keystrokes or keyboard events.
A class that is willing to process any keyboard event either uses this interface along with all the methods that it has or extends the general Key Adapter class by not using only the interested methods.
A listener object that is made from the class is registered along with an element by using the element's add Key Listener method.
A keyboard event is created when one presses the key or when one types or releases it. A correct method in the listener object is created and then the Key Event gets on to it.