Political Science, asked by ragini78, 10 months ago

which phase of research process data store is done ?​


Answered by subham322669


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Top 5 Phases of Research Process – Explained!

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The important phases of research process are as follows:

1. Formulation of Working Hypothesis:

A working hypothesis is a penetrating hunch, guess or the provisional explanation of the problem under study. This is found on the basis of preliminary observations of the facts related to the problem. In brief, the problem is stated in the form of a proposition, i.e., ‘if and ‘then’.

Hypothesis serves as tentative explanation which can be tested empirically. It guides the researcher in the selection of pertinent facts needed to explain the problem at hand. Here, one thing is to be noted that hypothesis is not needed in all researches. Some researches develop hypotheses as the end results of a preliminary inquiry for further testing.

2. Preparation of Research Design:


A research design is a detailed plan or a strategy of conducting research. It answers the questions—what, how, when/where, and why about the facts to be collected for the study.

It is a process of making decisions with respect to:

(a) types of data required;

(b) Sources of data and field of study;


(c) Method of data collection and preparation of tools (Questionnaire, Interview Schedule etc); and

(d) Sample design. Designing the research ensures against its failure.

3. Collection of Data:

Actual gathering of data and information begins in accordance with the research design. By collecting the data, the researcher tests the hypotheses which he may ultimately accept, change, or abandon.

4. Analysis of Data:

After the data are collected, they must be assembled, organised and classified in such a way that the hypothesis can be tested. It is said that mere collection of facts is no science. Facts become meaningful when they are logically connected with other facts and sorted according to their nature.


Broadly, this step of scientific research includes coding, classification and tabulation of gathered data. These days, much of this work is done by computers. The computer gives the desired computations and comparisons including data for statis­tical tests.

5. Drawing Conclusions in the form of Theoretical Formulations and Generalisations:

Scientists are not concerned with isolated phenomena or events. They aim to discover under the surface layer of diversity of these events, a thread of uniformity. On the basis of this uniformity they try to formulate generalisations or a scientific theory. A generalisation is a statement about a number of events rather than about a unique event. Thus, the original hypothesis, if formulated in the beginning of the research, is either confirmed or rejected.

The basic procedure, as outlined above, is the same for all scien­tific researches or inquiries. Only the tools and techniques may vary according to the problem under study. Researchers may make changes and adjust to unforeseen difficulties once the study is under way.

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Final Stage


The final stage of research process data storage is done after all the data is processed  then it is store for the use in future. After data interpretation the data storage is done.

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