Chemistry, asked by wannaknowmore4742, 1 year ago

Which reagent used to convert acetaldehyde to ch3conh4?


Answered by Baqirbhat


Seperate the given acetaldehyde solution in two parts. Oxidize one of the solution using any oxidizing agent(KMnO4 etc.) and you will get the acetic acid CH3COOH.


Reduce the second solution using any reducing agent (NaBH4, LiAlH4, etc.) the reduction of acetaldehyde leads to formation of ethanol.

CH3CHO + LiAlH4 ——→ CH3CH2OH

And also you would have heard about the reaction esterification. An alcohol and a carboxilic acid react to form ester. Acitic acid and ethanol reacts to form ethyl acetate.


(Oxidation and reduction of aldehydes are one of most easy reactions which can be done with almost every oxidising and reducing agent respectively.

Apart from this, one of the best ways to do this conversion is using Tishenko reaction, in this reaction alpha H containing aldehydes react with the reagent Aluminum alkoxide Al(OR)3 ( where R represents the alkyl group you want in the ester.) and forms acid and alcohol which later on produce ethyl acetate via esterification reaction.

But in actual practice, the above mentioned reactions is reversible. It simply means you can't get the whole reactants converted into product. Both product and the reactants are in equilibrium. However you can increase the amount of product by shifting equilibrium towards product side by changing certain factors like (temperature, concentration etc.)

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