Computer Science, asked by 2006rsnb, 3 months ago

Which should I pick, the Arkham Origins PS3 or the Assassin’s Creed Black Flag?(Please help me) I will markk the best answer the brainliest for sure and give tnks to all answers. )


Answered by MrCuteFairy

But if you really just want to play a good game, start from Assassin's Creed 2. It's the best one and should not be skipped at all. Actually, it's a trilogy: AC 2, AC Brotherhood, and AC Revelations. They're about Ezio and trust me, his story is the best.

Answered by MrNulla


I should note that I used to be a long time Assassin's Creed fan, and I liked every AC game before the release of ACIII. After AC III was a big disappointment, I left the AC series and really got into the Batman Arkham games. Now, we have Batman Arkham Origins, which I have heard is the weakest Arkham game, and Assassin's Creed IV, which has better reviews overall, and is supposed to have made improvements over AC III. Even though I was planning to buy both of these titles, I want to see which game people think is significantly better, so I do not end up buying both if I am going to be satisfied with only one of these titles. I am assuming that many are going to say AC IV because of the improvements it has made over its predecessor. However, I am currently a huge Arkham series fan, and I feel that if I loved A. Asylum and A. City, then I feel like I would have no problem enjoying A. Origins. Maybe some people think that these games are equally good, and recommend buying both titles.

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