Social Sciences, asked by FauzanSheikh, 5 months ago

which types of stars end their life as neutron star?​



Answered by gaurrashmi811



When the degrading supernova star's center contains a mass of about 1.4 and 3 solar masses, the breakdown proceeds until electrons and protons consolidate to frame neutrons.

These neutrons, in turn, get converted into a new star called a neutron star.

Answered by manishavedant26


Stars having a mass between 8 and 25 times the mass of the Sun (8 MSun < MStar < 25 MSun) go through the red giant stage and later through the supergiant stage during which their size may increase 1000 times. The huge explosion, called the supernova explosion, which occurs at last is very powerful and so much energy is given off that we can see the star during the day also. The central portion which is left behind after the explosion, contracts, and its size become as small as about 10 km. In this state, the stars are completely made up of neutrons and are called neutron stars. The pressure of these neutrons is independent of temperature and is capable of balancing the gravitational force forever. A neutron star is the end stage of these stars.

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