Which words and phrases evoke the turbulence of the ocean Poem. Lines composed in a wood on a windy day. Anne Bronte
Anne Bronte’s poem ‘Lines Composed in a Wood on a Windy Day’ focuses on the power of nature. Every once in a while, the weather is a little different from the usual. It is windier than usual and that changes things and adds a bit of turbulence to the day. In this poem too, Bronte depicts such a windy day. The words that clearly evoke a sense of turbulence are:
The wild wind is roaring
The bare trees are tossing
The ocean is lashing
Proud waves are dashing
The wild roar of their thunder
The words ‘wild’, ‘roar’ and ‘roaring’ almost evoke the image of a beast. All these words suggest high-energy activity. Coincidentally, these words have an auditory (that you can hear) and a visual (that you can see) feel to them. Put together, it sounds like the poet is in the middle of a storm, which is also turbulent in nature.