Economy, asked by jaswanth1731, 1 year ago

which working capital is used by the farmer?​


Answered by vinoth36


Maintain your working capital! This phrase is commonly heard in discussions with lenders, advisors, and management specialists in today’s environment of relatively low crop net returns or margins. This brief article answers the following questions: what is working capital and how is calculated, why is working capital needed, how much working capital do you need, what are common errors in measuring working capital, and how can you manage working capital. Working capital concepts are illustrated using a west central Indiana case farm.

Answered by itzsakshii


Hlo mate here is ur answer


In essence, working capital provides the short-term financial reserves that a business needs to quickly respond to financial stress as well as to take advantage of opportunities.

It provides a buffer to a financial downturn that might impair the business’s ability to buy the inputs needed to operate as well as to service debt obligations.

It also provides the financial resources to quickly take advantage of opportunities that might develop before others can do so.

Hope it helps u dear......

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