while cutting onions from eyes tears start flowing
It turns out when you cut an onion, it releases a gas called, ready for this, Propanethiol S-oxide. When mixed with certain enzymes in the onion, it creates a sulfur gas. These gases then get to your eyes and create a mild acid which irritates the eyes.
please follow me my dear friend please
ya while cutting onions tears start flowing bcz onions cointain amino acids sulfixides as well.so it also conitains a enzyme called lachrymatry factor synthase so when we cut them the lachrymatry aynthase in released into the air and and converts the amino acid sulphoxide of the onion into sulphenic acid
syn propanethial soxide gets into air and cimes in contact with our eyes so the lachrymal gland beckmes irritated and produces tears
Here's your answer hope it helped u:)