While forming a joint venture,when is the approval of FIPB required.
Joint Venture companies are the most preferred form of corporate entities for Doing Business in India. There are no separate laws for joint ventures in India. The companies incorporated in India, even with up to 100% foreign equity, are treated the same as domestic companies. A Joint Venture may be any of the business entities available in India. Click here for Types of companies and corporations in India.
A typical Joint Venture is where:
1.Two parties, (individuals or companies), incorporate a company in India. Business of one party is transferred to the company and as consideration for such transfer, shares are issued by the company and subscribed by that party. The other party subscribes for the shares in cash.
2.The above two parties subscribe to the shares of the joint venture company in agreed proportion, in cash, and start a new business.
3.Promoter shareholder of an existing Indian company and a third party, who/which may be individual/company, one of them non-resident or both residents, collaborate to jointly carry on the business of that company and its shares are taken by the said third party through payment in cash.
Some practical aspects of formation of joint venture companies in India and the prerequisites which the parties should take into account are enumerated herein after.
Foreign companies are also free to open branch offices in India. However, a branch of a foreign company attracts a higher rate of tax than a subsidiary or a joint venture company. The liability of the parent company is also greater in case of a branch office.