Psychology, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

While thy inquired that how much faith do I have on thy, I just closed my eyes in thought of thy and searched on myself and realized except thy, I can't trust any other even thy lie to me though too by closing my eyes can bring out all the truths fro thy mind. Explain please!!


Answered by Anonymous

Answer:“Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry. ... “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore ... “Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play. ... If, on the other hand, happiness depends on a good breakfast,


Answered by Anonymous


Protect your neck minstrel man while you still have a chance. ... The "it can't get much better than this" mindset Turns out to be a devastation. ... They told me something bad would happen, If I let my curiouslity grow ...... Acceptance is key to opening an eye With closed eyes you won't see the light Others will judge you, Those ...

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