Whit is Your Favorite Software and way
My favourite Software is Mouse and keyboard
Every day we use applications that are designed to make our lives better. We use applications that help us check the weather, or find the best driving route to work, or schedule our daily lives, or any number of other tasks. We use them at home and at work, and each of these pieces of software have found some success in doing what they were meant to do.
For myself in an IT department of one, I use applications all day that are designed to help me help my coworkers. Everything from spam filters to remote control software, I depend on these applications to help me do my job. In some cases, I've enjoyed using an application so much that it becomes more than just a piece of software to me; it starts to define what I do and who I am at work. It's not a strange dependency; rather I feel especially empowered while using it.
My favorite empowering application by far is Crystal Reports Designer. I'm a huge fan of data visibility, and reporting tools are specifically designed to help people see their data in a variety of ways. Often, tools like Crystal Reports are used to augment existing reporting capabilities of software packages, which speaks to a universal desire to know more about the data you're working with. Crystal Reports helps me understand our data and in turn helps me empower the rest of the business. Every decision a business makes is enhanced by having more information, and I believe that "the more you know, the more you grow" can truly apply to every worker. That's why it's my favorite application.
What's your favorite application, and why?