English, asked by bhupeshb917, 6 months ago

who according to Nelson Mandela is laurguas man


Answered by rabindrasagaria420


Nelson Mandela arrived early for work on 11 May 1994, the day after his inauguration as the first black president of South Africa. As he walked down the deserted corridors, past framed watercolours celebrating the derring-do of white settlers at the time of the Great Trek, he paused outside a door and knocked.

A voice said "Come in" and Mandela, who was 6ft, found himself looking up at a vast, second-row forward of a man, an Afrikaner by the name of John Reinders, chief of presidential protocol during the tenure both of the last white president, FW de Klerk, and his predecessor, PW Botha.

"Good morning, how are you?" said Mandela, with a cheery grin.

"Very well, Mr President, and you?"

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