English, asked by SURYAKhan436, 1 year ago

Who according to you is the villian Antonio or Shylock?Give reasons for your answer.


Answered by keerthika1998lekha
shylock is so stubbern as he didnt even think of mercy and justice.
he is a cruel man and wanted to attack antonio and harm him.
he had a bad mind to kill a life of a person.

XdeathX: In considering the time period and context, Shylock has emerged as the villain as a result of period anti-Semitism, and what it meant to be a Christian then. The modern villain may very well be Antonio given the way that times have changed. Is Antonio simply the vessel to show the steep anti-Semitism, or is he truly evil at the core despite his unrequited love for someone, presumably Bassanio?
Answered by SreekanthK
According to me villain is Shylock.
Because Shylock has a cruel mind in which he wanted Antonio killed.
He is of injustice and does not care for a man's death.
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