who are footless labour
Footloose is a term used to explain somethings that is not constrained and has the ability to do as pleases. Like footloose industry that means an industry that is not location specific and can be setup anywhere.
Similarly footloose labour is a person who works on daily wages and is in search of job on daily basis unlike a permanent or semi-permanent job. In economic terms, he/she is called a casual labour. A casual labour has the freedom to choose any job he wishes to do. At the same time, he/she is uncertain of their job for coming days. More than the freedom they enjoy, it is the uncertainty that hurts them most and contains them in a vicious cycle of poverty.
As Jan Breman explains, South Asia especially India has many people falling under this category. He explains thier charateristics, way of life, risks they are exposed to and believes that very little has been done for them.