Who authored chikitsha bigyaner itihas
Yoga Chikitsa is a distinctive therapeutic offering by Isha Rejuvenation. This program was conceived in order to reach out to people with ..
•The author of the chikitsa bigyaner itihas is Viswanatha Sen from West Bengal in 1921.
•This work reflects the popular Ayurvedic formulations of the authors practice.
It gives a glimpse of history of Medicine in India.
•It is a small text consisting of seven chapters in total, each chapter containing ten formulations:
•Swarasa Prakarana (freshly extracted juices)
•Kashaya prakarana (decoctions)
•Churna prakarana (powders)
•Asava-Arishta prakarana (fermented products)
•Avaleha prakarana (linctus)
•Ghrita-taila prakarana (medicated ghee & oils)
•Gutika prakarana (tablets & pills)
Now , the book has been published in many languages . Originally it was written in Bengali.