English, asked by Krishn1212, 11 months ago

Who is a Women??

Express your thoughts on the topic...
"Respect women"


Answered by 1Angel24
Hey mate here is your answer》》

A woman is a female human being. The term woman is usually reserved for an adult, with girl being the usual term for a female child or adolescent. The term woman is also sometimes used to identify a female human, regardless of age, as in phrases such as "women's rights".

People make this statement in two different contexts:

1. Respect women in a bit traditional sense where woman is actually considered a weaker sex. This kind of behavior happens a lot in villages or small towns where actually the problem is girls are not allowed to do anything and made feel as they really are weaker. And man compensate with comments like "ladies hai jane do". This in my opinion is pretty insulting to woman as it assumes somehow they are not capable enough. Unfortunately, we will have to wait few more generations before this kind of behavior goes away from these places as poverty and illiteracy doesn't allow the progress which is required to eliminate this. We should really give the respect to woman here for a simple fact, they are otherwise not treated equally at all.
2. In a modern sense, it just means don't do any thing insulting or humiliating to them. It is told for women because they are the victims of eve teasing, sex-based discrimination, sexual harassment etc.

Ideally, we should respect each and every human being, their dignity and individuality. But be ready to be considerate also depending on special situations. Just normal compassion should be enough to conduct ourselves properly in an ideal world.

Some,.......quotations on women:-

1) A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.

2) Men always want to be a woman's first love - women like to be a man's last romance.

3) A woman should be like a single flower, not a whole bouquet.

4) There are only three things women need in life: food, water, and compliments.

Hope this answer will help you..《《

Krishn1212: Thnku
1Angel24: welcome
Krishn1212: Hmm
Answered by Anonymous
\huge\mathfrak{Hey\: Krishn!!!}


Respect for women is at the pinnacle of our society. They were blessed by God to have children, and so they are shrines of procreation, not a tool to be used by men or anyone.

“Woman was taken out of man; not out of his head to top him, nor out of his feet to be trampled underfoot; but out of his side to be equal to him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be loved” I quote someone (person unknown) that definitely had their facts straight. Women are and therefore should be treated as our equals. This does not always happen these days, as women are increasingly becoming more and more taken for granted. Our society is edging toward becoming one that degrades women, as happens constantly every day.

The role of women has changed in the last 100 years. However women have yet to achieve full equality with men, something that many women all over the world have strived for.

The role of women has changed in several ways.

In the last century, only men went out to work. Women were expected to stay at home and take care of the household and the domestic side of things. This included the cooking, cleaning, laundry, ironing etc.

However, the improvement in technology has meant that the household jobs have been made much easier and timesaving. These labour saving devices include freezers, washing machines, microwave cookers, food processors, vacuum cleaners and manufactured food such as tinned and frozen food as well as "instant meals" where no cooking or hassle is needed. These improvements have reduced the time spent on, releasing women so that they can go out to work in paid employment. But they have still not been brought up to the equality that they deserve, with respect in every aspect, especially the ability to bear offspring and continue the human race, and in some cultures, they have not even had their status changed since the times when women were treated as objects that had a master, and were expected to follow.


Høpe ThaT wiLL HeLp uhh ØuT

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