Who is Caliban? How is he looked upon by Miranda and Prospero?
Step-by-step explanation:
"Caliban is the servant of the great magician Prospero but he demanded that the island belongs to him and was given to him by his mother, the witch Sycorax. When he was showing him some of the greatest places in the island he curse that he knew Prospero language and that was his curse.
➼Caliban is a product of nature, the offspring of the witch Sycorax and the devil.
➼Prospero has made Caliban his servant or, more accurately, his slave.
➼Throughout most of the play, Caliban is insolent and rebellious and is only controlled through the use of magic.
➼In some traditions he is depicted as a wild man, or a deformed man, or a beast man, or sometimes a mix of fish and man, a dwarf or even a tortoise.
➼Banished from Algiers, Sycorax was left on the isle, pregnant with Caliban, and died before Prospero's arrival.