who is called the father father of nation
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Mahatma Ga.ndhi
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Mahatma Gan dhi called as the father of Nation.
About Mahatma Gandhi -
- Mahatma Gandhi, byname of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.
- He born on October 2, 1769 at porbandar in India & died on 30 January 1948 in Delhi.
- He was an nationalist & also a lawyer.
- His mother's name is Putlibai Gandhi & His Father's Name is Karamchand Gandhi.
- His Father was the Chief minister of the city porbandar.
- Mahatma Gandhi hi studied at the university of Bombay.
- Mahatma Gandhi hi was the founder of National Indian Congress in the year of 1894.
- Gandhi hi also made the Satyagraha.
- Mahatma Gandhi ji improved the Life of Untouchable & he renamed as the "Harijans".
- His Wife's name was Kasturba.
- His Famous Salogan was "Swaraj in one year."

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