who is loona bimberton
Loona Bimberton was the arch-rival of Mrs. Packletide.
According to Mrs. Packletide, Loona was a person who loves to show off.
Mrs.Packletide is jealous of Loona because she had earned name and fame by shooting a tiger.
Loona was also popular because an Algerian plane had carried her for 11 miles.
Mrs.Loona bimberton was Mrs. Packletide's friend.Mrs. Loona Bimberton also had the same flaws in her character which Mrs Packletide had. Her rivalry and jealousy against Mrs. Packletide was abnormal. She refused to look at the newspapers publishing Mrs. Pakcletide’s picture along with an article on her tiger hunt. She modestly thanked Mrs. Packletide for the invitation and gift of tiger-claw brooch. However,she did not attend the party which Mrs. Packletide had arranged after the tiger hunt.