English, asked by pardeepbisht890, 5 months ago

Who said
to whom ?
am pleased with work and loving cake ! you
are indeed a gem quile fare.
noise, sir, but this one's way
Jahapanah your humble servant feeds them well.​


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(Father who is a schoolmaster is getting

ready to go to school.)

Abdul : Father, to knowledge and erudition I aspire. To study hard and deep, books I require. Will you

lend me a little gold ? Books I’ll buy and study to rise high in the world.

Father : Only the first half of the month has passed, But alas, the money doesn’t last ! Great books and

manuscripts are so expensive. They are treasures rare and exclusive But from my school, I will try to

borrow Books that will take you to a brighter tomorrow.

Abdul : That will be great! How eagerly I wait! (In the evening, when father returns -)

Abdul : How many books could you get? Oh! Now my life will be all set -

Father : I am so sorry son, Couldn’t lay my hands on even one !

Chorus : Poor Abdul is sad and dejected Ponders; ‘Why my wishes are thus rejected ?’ Continues to do

his daily chores Reads borrowed books in tens and scores An idea then crosses his mind To serve the

rich, and get paid in kind.

(Abdul approaches a rich merchant.)

Abdul : I’m a poor student, give me a chance to serve. Observe my work, pay only what I deserve.

Merchant : You appear to be smart, be my Clerk. I’ll pay you well, if honestly you work. (Some days pass.

Give your opinion.

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