Who speaks for Swaminathan here? How do you find it?
Eat Right:
The first step towards protecting your heart lies in eating right type of food, in right quantities. Cut down on the salts, sugars, oils and fats to prevent building up of bad cholesterol, hypertension and diabetes. Stay away from processed and refined foods and adopt healthy eating habits. Doctors recommend legumes, nuts and seeds, whole foods, low-fat dairy and fibre loaded foods for maintaining a healthy heart.
Get Physical:
Nothing keeps your heart happy and healthy than a 20-minute walk daily. Make it a practice to walk, jog or practice Yoga for both mental and physical fitness. Strength training, resistance training, aerobics, running strengthen your heart muscles and aid in better functioning.
Sleep Well:
If you are sleep deprived for various reasons or fighting insomnia, address it right away. An 8-hour sound sleep is all you need for your heart to function to its optimum capacity and to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and other related ailments. In fact, sleep deprivation is one of the main reasons behind heart problems.
Quit Smoking:
Smoking is injurious to health and even more to the heart. Many assume that smoking affects lung health, but it equally hurts the heart too. Stay away from cigarettes, e-cigarettes and other types of tobacco as it makes your heart go weaker and cause various complications. You can feel good heart health within a month of bidding a goodbye to cigarettes.
Stress Is Bad:
Stress and anxiety have become a norm for many of us these days but these both factors are silent killers. Stay stress free and stop feeling anxious over petty issues. Yoga, deep breathing exercises, meditation help in leading a stress-free life and improve heart health.

Swaminathan, known as the 'Father of Green Revolution' was born on August 7, 1925. Swaminathan developed high-yielding varieties (HYV) of wheat and later, promoted sustainable development which he called, the 'evergreen revolution'.
Some unknown facts you must know about MS Swaminathan:
In 1960s, India was on the verge of a mass famine. MMS Swaminathan along with Norman Bolaug and other scientists, developed HYV seeds of wheat
This development led to Green Revolution in India and Indian geneticist, Swaminathan was known as 'The Father of Green Revolution'
MS Swaminathan did his Bachelor's in Science in both Zoology and Agricultural Science
Swaminathan made his decision of entering the field of Agriculture after experiencing the 1943 Bengal famine and the shortage of food in the country
He has been credited for his research on potato, rice, wheat, jute etc.
Swaminathan served as the Director General of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (from 1972-1979) and International Rice Research Institute (1982-88)
In 1979, he was the Principal Secretary of Ministry of Agriculture
In 1988, MS Swaminathan became the President of International Union of the Conservation of Nature and Natural resources
In 1986, he was awarded Albert Einstein World Award of Science in 1986
In 1999, Time magazine listed Swaminathan in the list of most influential Asian people of the 20th century
The Indian government awarded Swaminathan, Padma Shri and Padma Bhushan, in 1967 and 1972
MS Swaminathan holds over 50 honourary Doctorate degrees.