who was albert Enstine
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Einstein Is a famous Italian scientist who played a vital role in physics. As we all know his famous equation E=mc^2 , he said that light is in the form of small particles called photon, he developed photoelectric effect which means when a photon particle falls on an iron rod electricity Will be generated, Due to his discovery of photon many scientists later discovered many inventions with his theory. For his incredible effort in the field of physics he is said as the greatest scientist in the field of physics, he was awarded noble prize for his achievements in the field of physics.
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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ALBERT EINSTEIN was born in Ulm, Germany on March- 14, 1879. After education in Germany, Italy, and Swit-zerland, and professorships in Bern, Zurich, and Prague, hewas appointed Director of Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Phy-sics in Berlin in 1914. He became a professor in the School ofMathematics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princetonbeginning the fall of 1933, became an American citizen in thesummer of 1936, and died in Princeton, New Jersey on April18, 1955. In the Berlin where in 1900 Max Planck discoveredthe quantum, Einstein fifteen years later explained to us thatgravitation is not something foreign and mysterious actingthrough space, but a manifestation of space geometry itself.He came to understand that the universe does not go on fromeverlasting to everlasting, but begins with a big bang. Of allthe questions with which the great thinkers have occupiedthemselves in all lands and all centuries, none has everclaimed greater primacy than the origin of the universe, andno contributions to this issue ever made by any man anytimehave proved themselves richer in illuminating power thanthose that Einstein made.⭐⭐⭐✔⤵⤵

thanks brother
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