History, asked by binitalohani1234, 1 year ago

Who was considered as underisable by naziz and why


Answered by ShubhGandhi2903
It mostly applied to the disabled,like intelectually disabled etc. and slavs and jews.You see, Hitler was a firm believer in the superiority of the supposed “aryan” master race, he saw these people as people who might tarnish that.On WW1, where Hitler served as a corporal(a low rank), he blamed germany’s defeat on its government and jews.Hitler had a deep dislike for jews and slavs and http://russians.In his twisted ideology, only the western european peoples and asian peoples demanded more respect.

As for these “undesirables”, he saw them as expandables and slaves, and aimed to get rid of them.Once conquering Poland for example, he started rounding up all the jews into ghettos, with the eventual aim of exterminating them.He also set up camps for his political opponents and these “undesirables”, with the notable of them being aushwitz, treblinika etc.He killed about 6 million jews in total.This barbaric event is known as the holocaust. During his invasion of Russia, squads of “kill squads” followed to kill russians and jews. It was terrible.Before the war, he also saw these disabled people as a liability and ran an ethuansia program.This is one of the terrible aspects of his regime.

This is and will remain a dark part of german people.Nowadays people make small talk about this and joke but this is real and people died, in pain.Ironically, the memorial outside Auschwitz simply says: “Never again”.

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