English, asked by Abjash, 1 year ago

Who was the first prince described by portia?what does she say about him?


Answered by nike14
First p Prince of Morocco he is the first suitor to portia he is very overconfident he is dark in complexion because he lives near the equator he said that he defeated the Sultan of Solomon and he can search the babycub from the mother dear

nike14: check on Google now don't give the wrong information
nike14: Icse board?
PaZuZu: Yes
nike14: me 2
Abjash: I also gusy give the right answer
PaZuZu: Then how can it be.....I can send u the pic too
nike14: I can also send
PaZuZu: My book name is ......the verified edition by Ratna Sagar...
Abjash: Plz give a right answer
PaZuZu: Maybe Ur book is different but believe me mine is the right one but according to Ur book it's Morroco so u should right it....but mine is right.....I gaureentee it.....mine is verified one which is the correct one
Answered by PaZuZu
The first prince was the Neapolitan prince....she said that he knows nothing but to talk about his horse and says that it is a great thing that he can shoe his horse himself ......Portia knows it is a sin to mock but she is really sad as the chance of choosing her love of life is taken away from her by her dead father...

PaZuZu: No either Ur book is of the wrong version
nike14: morning star
Abjash: Yaa right book
Abjash: I have that only
nike14: then see
nike14: act 2 scene 1
PaZuZu: Yep it's act 1 scene 2
PaZuZu: Act 2
PaZuZu: Scene 1*
nike14: yuppie
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