Who was the king of the france at the time of french revolution mention the condition in which he ascended the throne of france answer in point?
King Louis XVI was the king of France during the French Revolution.The problems he had to face was
-Empty treasury-King Louis XIV participated in long wars which emptied the treasury.
-He also had to face the anger of the people who were displeased with the french society that consisted during that time
Louis XVI
In 1774, Louis XVI of the Bourbon family of kings ascended the
throne of France. He was 20 years old and married to the Austrian
princess Marie Antoinette. Upon his accession the new king found
an empty treasury. Long years of war had drained the financial
resources of France. Added to this was the cost of maintaining an
extravagant court at the immense palace of Versailles. Under Louis
XVI, France helped the thirteen American colonies to gain their
independence from the common enemy, Britain. The war added more
than a billion livres to a debt that had already risen to more than 2
billion livres. Lenders who gave the state credit, now began to charge
10 per cent interest on loans.