English, asked by kartikpratapshahi, 5 hours ago

Who was Weena? How did the Time Traveller become her friend?


Answered by giridiksha28


The Time Traveler first met Weena when she was drowning in a river, her Eloi friends ignoring her plight. He dove in and rescued her, and she quickly rewarded him with her affection and became devoted to him. As he explored the landscape, hoping to find The Time Machine, she accompanied him.

Answered by champadeykalyani7412


The Time Traveler first met Weena when she was drowning in a river, her Eloi friends ignoring her plight. He dove in and rescued her, and she quickly rewarded him with her affection and became devoted to him. As he explored the landscape, hoping to find The Time Machine, she accompanied him.

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