India Languages, asked by rithikam0836, 6 months ago

wht is upapadh vibakthi in english ??
and few examples pls


Answered by saieeshroyalg


upa pada vibhakti

upa pada vibhakti’s are those where in a vbhakti is merely used to denote another word in the sentence - the purpose of the vibhakti is to justify the presence of a particular word.

A particular vibhakti form for a word is chosen based on the word intent

prati, vina, dhik, parita: ubhayata: use second vibhakti

aham gruham prati gacchAmi - i go towards the house

samskrutam vina samskruti: nAsti - without samskrutam culture is void

dhik pApim - (condemnation to the sinner) dhik is used a derogatory word

suryam parita: prakasha: asti [the sun is surrounded by lusture]

Srirangam ubhayata: jalam asti [Srirangam is located in between water bodies]

alam, sadrusha, vina, saha use third vibhakti

alam kOpena - enough of anger. alam pramAdena - enough of carelessness

rAmena sadrusha: vEra: nAsti [none compared to rama as a warrior]

patnyA vina sa: na jIvati [he will not live without wife]

nama: krudyati, eershyati, druhyati aSuyati, kalpate, rochate, bhavati use fourth vibhakti

keshavAya nama: [this is to kEshava not mine anymore]

duryodhana: bHimAya aSuyati [duryodhana has jealousy towards BhIma (druhyati, eershyati, krudyati follow the same logic)

abhyAsa: vijayAya kalpate [practice results in success]

mashyam samskrutam rochate [i like samskrutam]

Rute, poorva, para, bahi: and vina use panchami

dharmAt Rute jayam aSadhyam: [in the absence of righteousness victory is impossible]

bhojanAt param nidrA Agacchati [sleep follows food]

bhojanAt pUrvam bhojana mantram vadatu [say the bhojana mantram before having food]

gruhaat bahi: vruksha: asti [there is a tree outside the house]

sadrusha, purata, prushtata:, upari, ada:,dakshinata:, vAmata: anta: anantaram, apekshayA use sixth vibhakti

krushnasya sadrusha: samarta; nAsti [none smart as krishna]

gruhasya purata: mArga asti [ there is a road in front of my house]

gruhasya prushta: kUpa: asti [there is a well behind my house]

mama upari vyjana asti [fan is above me]

mama adha: bhootalam asti [the ground floor is below me]

gruhasya dakshinata: Apana: asti - [there is a store on the right side of my house]

gruhasya vAmata: udyAnam asti [there is a park on the left side of my house]

sarvasya anta: ishvara: vartate [god dwells inside everyone]

vargasya anantaram gruham gacchAmi - [ will go home after the class]

videshashasya apekshaya bharate jIvanam sukham [it is a pleasure to live in India in comparison to being outside]

Have only listed the important upa-pada vibhaktis here.

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hope it helps

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