English, asked by vinayakverma7388, 5 months ago

Why anime is not coming in india???​


Answered by Anonymous


They give you free anime but the views and revenue goes to anonymous source. Anime studios never get TRP from India. Because of this reason Anime studious never considered India as a potential market for Anime.

Explanation: here are lot of factors contributing to the popularity, or unpopularity of Anime/Manga in India. These include regulatory boards as well as general notion towards any foreign media.

Anime(s) are not aired on many channels geared towards animated content. I could only remember Jetix which used to air Cowboy Bebop and DBZ on Cartoon Network. I’m sure there were other channels and shows being aired which I am not aware of, which itself explains how much promotion any anime gets in India.

Sponsorship. Everyday you see some or other merchandise /freebies of Ben 10, Chota Bheem. I see them on schoolbags, pencil box, poster, watches and what not. Whether you are in a metro or a village, you are bound to see some merchandise of these characters. The PR team works day and night to promote their clients and hence increases the viewership. No channel will deny any show that guarantees a high TRP. You won’t watch or read anime/manga if you never heard about it, Right?

Censorship. It’s omnipresent in India. Like a stalker, it follows you everywhere on every medium. The channels are not exactly fond of getting strikes against them for airing content deemed to be ‘inappropriate’. This is very subjective and loose term as many people find many things inappropriate which may not be so to many others. To start with, We don’t have a proper age-rating for different contents and for TV it’s restricted to “All” or “Under parental guidance”. India is still conservative and a perception that anything animated is for anyone under 10 and seeing blood, gore and “fan service” will definitely trigger an outrage by adults. Hence channels tend to stay clear out of anime for older age group. But cheap, misogynistic item songs in movies?? Hell yeah!

Hope it helps :)

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