why are board pins made sharp?
The ends of the nails and pins are made sharp in order to minimize the area which in turn increases the pressure.So when you hit the nail on its head , even a small force converts into a large pressure due to the small area of the tail and the nail is able to insert in the wall.
Hello mate!
Board Pins made sharp, As It's related to pressure.
You know,
Pressure is Inversely Proportional to Area.
that is,
Pa :: 1/Area.
(Inverse Proportion or indirect proportion, Here, One value increases simultaneously The other calue decrease, You will learn this in your grade 8th, Chapter 15th, Maths)
here, If area is less, then, Pressure is more, And If area is more, Then Pressure is less.
so, area of contact affects the Pressure level.
That's why, Board Pins, Are sharp and Thin, Area of contact, is less so, Pressure is more
as Pressure is more, it allows us To Enter the pin to the Board.
But, if It has More area if contact then, The pressure is less.
you will be unable to insert it
Thank you mate!
Have a great day ahead!