Why are factions a threat to a democratic government?
Factions can be a threat to a government because of its intensity and its passion. A faction may consist of a large number of citizens. These citizen may belong to a minority or a majority as a part or as a whole but full of passion and determined to achieve their objective. This group of people is united and is derived by a common impulse of passion.
Factions do not cause problems only for democracy but these are also dangerous for a nation as a whole. These are inevitable due to different factors like unequal distributions of wealth, unemployment or depriving a specific class or group of people from their rights. So the damages caused by factions can be limited only by controlling its effects, tackling the problem, handling the situation and taking satisfactory measure for the victims.
A political faction is a group of individuals within a larger entity, such as a political party, a trade union or other group, or simply a political climate, united by a particular common political purpose that differs in some respect to the rest of the entity
simply put, a representative democracy is a system of government in which all eligible citizens vote on representatives to pass laws for them. A perfect example is the U.S., where we elect a president and members of the Congress. We also elect local and state officials
Democracy, in modern usage, has three senses—all for a system of government where the citizens exercise power by voting. In a direct democracy, the citizens as a whole form a governing body and vote directly on each issue. In a representative democracy the citizens elect representatives from among themselves.
In both science fiction and utopia/dystopian fiction, authors have made frequent use of the ... scenarios depict an egalitarian and utopian world supervised (rather than controlled) by a benevolent (and usually democratic) world government.