Why captain marvin was there and what did he say to Mc murdo before he went off stage
Chapter 3
McMurdo moves to the Widow MacNamara’s on the outskirts of town; Scanlan moves there as well. Shafter still lets McMurdo eat his meals at the boarding house, and thus his relationship with Ettie continues. McMurdo shows off his coining molds to his visitors; he says that he would do this full-time if the police weren’t after him.
One day at the saloon a new member of the mine police comes in for a drink. McGinty greets him amiably but tells the man, Captain Marvin, that they do not need his services in the town. Marvin remains good-humored, but suddenly he sees McMurdo and calls him out as a criminal from Chicago. McMurdo is rude to him; however, Marvin says his name is now clear in Chicago, and that he will only get in trouble if he does something wrong here. The tale of McMurdo’s exploits makes him even more of a hero in the miners’ eyes. On Saturday night, McMurdo attends the lodge meeting for his initiation. McGinty sits at front like some sort of priest. Old men and enthusiastic young men talk; the young men boast of murderous deeds. The proceedings of these meetings are very open; they used to be secret, but they no longer have to be because no authority can stop them from doing as they please.