Biology, asked by nomankhial, 9 months ago

why cellulose cannot store energy? and why it only provides structural support?


Answered by Anonymous


Humans are unable to digest cellulose because the appropriate enzymes to breakdown the beta acetal linkages are lacking. (More on enzyme digestion in a later chapter.) ... These symbiotic bacteria possess the necessary enzymes to digest cellulose in the GI tract.

Answered by sk20up


Cellulose is a substance found in the cell walls of plants. Although cellulose is not a component of the human body, it is nevertheless the most abundant organic macromolecule on Earth. The scientific community first observed cellulose in 1833 when it was studied in plant cell walls. The chemical structure of cellulose resembles that of starch, but unlike starch, cellulose is extremely rigid (Figure 1). This rigidity imparts great strength to the plant body and protection to the interiors of plant cells.

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