Why constrictions in india not developed as in other countries?
Our population numbers can only be matched with China. As well as the stage of development. We were par or ahead with China till 1989, both socially and economically.
In 1989, China abandoned communism, and adopted an exploitative capitalist model, coupled with dictatorship. It used its huge pool of cheap labor to attract manufacturing investment. The treatment of workers was horrendous, they had absolutely no rights, they were treated as commodity. That changed over 10–15 years as prosperity drove up wages for those lucky enough to be allowed to move to industrial areas. A huge number remained behind in primitive conditions, because they were barred from moving. They still live as cultivators, but without any title to the lands they cultivate.
Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people were forcibly moved for setting up huge projects like the Three Gorges Hydel, and a number of ports, roads, airports, cities and industrial estates. Since citizens do not own the land, they can be moved at whim.
We chose to be, and remain a free republic with guaranteed fundamental rights. It is a trade off between economic prosperity and individual liberty. The sacrifice of liberty is not always good - the famines and the Cultural Revolution killed millions, set parents-and-children, siblings-and-friends against each other, often to the point of killing and torture.
China has paid a huge price for its prosperity.