why did narrator feel sorry after throwing a stick at the snake?
why did narrator feel sorry after throwing a stick at the snake?
The narrator felt sorry after throwing a stick at the snake because the narrator thought that the snake might him. The snake was sleeping and bathing himself in the sunlight because the weather was nice. but the narrator thought that the snake might hurt and mistook his sleep for being awake.
His behaviour of getting scared is normal basic human instinct but his social education was lacked behind when had hit the snake with the stick. That moment when he realised that his human instinct won over the social education he felt sorry.
Hello friend,
Snakes are venomous reptiles and are known for killing human by just one venom filled bite. So when the narrator saw the snake sun bathing and enjoying the weather, he instantly got scared and he decided to attack the snake before the snake made its move.
He threw a wooden log at the snake to protect himself. When he realized that the snake was sitting there idle not meaning to harm anyone, he felt ashamed of himself. Even though he was educated but the fear in himself got the best of him which he regretted later.