English, asked by rullavikash, 1 year ago

Why did seagull not fly with his brother and sister​


Answered by rmb

The young seagull was too scared and overwhelmed with what he saw beneath the ledge. He saw a 'great expanse of sea' which was 'miles down'. He was scared that if he failed to fly, he would first go downwards and then hit the water and possibly drown. He was also unsure that his wings would 'support' him during his first flight. Since he had never flown before, he was extremely scared of taking the first flight, though his brothers and sister had already flown away. Though his siblings had shorter wings than him, he was the one who lacked the courage to fly off the ledge.

Answered by spoortib19


the young Seagull was afraid of flying as it was his first flight. when he saw his brother and sister flying and his parents helping and teaching them, he try to gather courage but he thought that is wing would never support him and could not make his first flight.

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