History, asked by dhanushh7, 1 year ago

why did the French revolutionaries considered as the mission of the nation


Answered by ansh258

because France is a generous country, witness Beauce, Aquitaine, Champagne and Anjou generous soil, it enabled France to regularly host the most important population of Europe ( 20 m at the time of the revolution ), so France is an ideal place to enrole cannon fodder

Despotism and tyranny at the time of the revolution were the austrian armies of the Emperor whose family had settled for centuries in Vienna, they were ruling the Barrier ( the zone between France and the Low Lands Here are some explanations What is France's geopolitics? ), the Holy Roman Empire ( all along the Rhine ) and Milanese Venitie, so France was quasi surrended ( except Switzerland ) by the Emperor, and Louis XVI himself was married to a girl from the Emperor’ s family, so a perfect argument to explain to french people that they are the ones who can fight tyranny

French people are courageous and hard working and history shows that once they meet a good leader like Saint Louis, Jeanne d’ Arc, the Bourbon line especially Louis XIV or Napoleon, they can do great things that have international implication. De Gaulle tried to replicate the miracle ( here is an explaination of his semi sovietic system Is France declining? ) and he essentially turned the french from cannon fodder to milk cows ( heavily taxed people and again since it is for Egalité and Fraternité french are happy to pay )
Answered by VickyskYy

Thanks for the question

When the French Revolution collapsed in 1789, its foremost mission was to address the financial problems of the regime. The numerous wars of the eighteenth century in which France was concerned, That is the French and Indian War, had caused the government to spend more than it received in revenue.

Thank You

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