English, asked by grisijain, 10 months ago

Why did the poet feel that the fable,
The Ant and the Cricket is quite true?
(A) there are many human beings who
do not care about the future and repent
(B) there are many human beings who
are very fun loving.
(C) there are many people who are very
selfish and don't want to help others.
(D) life does not treat everybody


Answered by Anushka180605


Summary of The Ant and the Cricket

The ant and the cricket is a fable in the form of poetry by Aesop. This poem is a story of a desperate and silly cricket and a miserly ant. The cricket would sing during the months of summer and spring. He never stored food for the winters. In the winter season, he finds that there is no food to eat at home. He was starving and thus, he went to the ant. He requested the ant to lend him some food and shelter. The ant refused to help him and told him to pass the winter also dancing. After saying this, the ant threw the Cricket out of his house.

The Ant and the Cricket Summary in English

This poem is a work of the famous Greek poet, Aesop. The two characters of the poem are cricket and an ant. There was a young cricket who used to sing and dance during the summers and springs. He was happy and enjoying but was silly. During the summers and spring, there is greenery everywhere. So, ample food and water are available. One does not need to store any of these. Thus, the cricket was busy enjoying and did not store any food for the winters. In winters, the ground is covered with snow and no flower or leaf could be seen.

The cricket passed the time singing and dancing and soon the winter season came. Now, he was in trouble as there was not even a crumb in his house to eat and due to winter, he could not find any food outside also. He could thus eat nothing and was starving. He somehow gathered his courage and went to the ant asking for help. Due to the starvation, chilling cold and rains, the cricket got wet and was shivering.

Read the summary then you understand.

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