why did ulysses and his men enter the habitation of cyclop
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Polyphemus (In Greek: Πολύφημος) was a cyclops portrayed in the Odyssey and the Aeneid. After capturing Odysseus and several of his men, Polyphemus held them to capture in a cave, along with the cyclops' sheep and goats. He sealed the cave shut with a massive stone. During the ordeal, Polyphemus killed and ate six of the sailors. On the second day, Odysseus made the cyclops drunk, claiming his name was "Nobody", before five men drove a small sharpened stake into Polyphemus' only eye, blinding him. The cyclops called for help and other cyclops came to his aid; but when he said "Nobody" had hurt him, the cyclops took it to mean that no body had hurt him, so they left him alone.
you are boy ya girl
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