"why did you lie" said she (narration change)
Direct-Indirect Speech - Simple Sentences
Direct Speech Avyan said to Vartika, "I have broken my toys."
Indirect Speech Avyan told Vartika that he had broken his toys.
From the above example, broadly it comes to knowledge that for changing Direct Speech to Indirect Speech, we are to (i) Use a word to join both the parts like 'that' is used here; (ii) Remove Inverted Commas; (iii) Change the Pronoun; and (iv) Change the tense of Reported Speech.
ऊपर दिये हुय उदाहरण से मोटे तौर पर यह समझ में आता है की Direct speech को Indirect speech बनाने के लिये (i) Direct speech के दोनों भागो को जोड़ने के लिये किसी शब्द का प्रयोग होता है जैसे यहां 'that' का प्रयोग होता है; (ii) Inverted Commas को हटा दिया जाता है; (iii) सर्वनाम बदला जाता है; और (iv) Reported speech के काल में परिवर्तन होता है ।
She said that you are a lie.