Why do linear equation in two variable has infinte roots?
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Consider the equation ax+by=cax+by=c.
Now we know that there is a number d=lcm(a,b)d=lcm(a,b).
Let ad1=d and bd2=dad1=d and bd2=d. So, ad1−bd2=0ad1−bd2=0. Note that neither d1d1nor d2d2 is 00.
Thus, for every solution of this linear diophantine equation of two variables, there exists another unique solution. Hence, there is an infinite number of solutions to this equation.
Consider the equation ax+by=cax+by=c.
Now we know that there is a number d=lcm(a,b)d=lcm(a,b).
Let ad1=d and bd2=dad1=d and bd2=d. So, ad1−bd2=0ad1−bd2=0. Note that neither d1d1nor d2d2 is 00.
Thus, for every solution of this linear diophantine equation of two variables, there exists another unique solution. Hence, there is an infinite number of solutions to this equation.
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